And over-priced overkill at that! But the limited edition Commander headset is very much a premium product.
The design is pure military: light but sturdy wire mounting points connect the ear-cups to the headband, and there's solid foam padding all around. The build quality is amazingly high, complete with subtle laser-etched details, and the detachable Velcro band on the headband is a lovely touch. You can remove this entirely if you want, or use it to add custom patches, such as team logos or your online handle.
There's a short cable attached to the Commander that terminates in what Plantronics calls a QuickDisconnect adapter. This handy snap-fitting means you can easily switch between the Long, coiled gaming lead (which in turn plugs into an in-line Dolby USB soundcard), or a shorter cable with a single 3.5mm jack, for smartphone or similar usage. This would be extremely handy... if the Commander's mic were in turn detachable.
They fit just about any head size very well - too well, in fact. They clamp to the side of your noggin like, well, clamps, and after a couple of hours felt quite uncomfortable.
The Gamecom Commanders certainly look the part, but are hard to recommend. You could spend the same money on some Sennheiser cans and end up with a much better product.
Key Specs:
7.1 surround sound, in-line USB soundcard with Dolby Headphone and Pro Logic IIx, 40mm drivers, QuickDisconnect adapters.
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