Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Create Digitally Watermark For Your Pictures

by TechGameReview  |  in Internet at  3:31 AM

There are lots of free programs offering to watermark images - our favourite is FastStone Image Viewer. You can also use it for converting, renaming and resizing large numbers of photos quickly, and there are limited editing options, too. You'll find it on your free disc, or you can download it from

Here's how to do that

#1 Select image folder
Install FastStone Image Viewer and launch it. Browse to the folder containing the images you wish to watermark. Select 'Tools > Open batch convert/rename dialog/to open a new window ready for you to select your files.

#2 Set basic options
Select the files you want to watermark, then click/Add'. Change the output format to the one you want to use, and click/Select next to /Output folder'to choose where the newly watermarked images will be stored.

#3 Add text watermark
Tick/Use advanced options (Resize...)' and click 'Advanced Options'.
Switch to the Text tab and tick 'Use text'. Enter the words you want to use before experimenting with the font, size, position, colour and opacity.

#4 Add logo
To add a logo instead, switch to the Watermark tab and tick 'Use watermark' Load in your chosen image, make similar changes to that with a text-based watermark and click 'OK. To add the watermark, click on 'Convert.

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